Covid-19 happened.. .. and that is all I am really going to say on the matter.
This blog and the previous few posts were actually archived in 2019 - because as fickle as I am, I wrote a few posts then decided not to maintain it anymore. This sums up a lot of the inconsistency I have with personal projects that actually take concerted effort to bring to life.
I started writing a book in 2018 which is paused at 6000 words on my hard drive like a half finished essay plan. I actually started writing this blog in 2019 because I found it back then and it inspired me to write for a few days.
Which leads me to this point in time.. December 26th 2020.
I am going to write and maintain this blog for another year - really for my own personal reflections because I know that I write these words down in a notebook my decluttering habits will kick in and I will eventually throw it in the recycling bin, and the messages will be lost.
So these are key notes I wanted to make :
I actually have a small orange book which I keep by my desk which I planned to use as a personal notebook, I started to use it last year when I planned to write a blog and it contains some musings I scribbled to myself, notes about feelings I was having at the time - dates and goal plans or challenges to be set for the year ahead.
in 2019.. notibly..
*TPS - Two purse system, spends vs food budget
*Ethical and frugal clothes shopping
*Mystery saving jar? (This one was crossed out and had a ton of question marks by it.. I will make a future post about this topic in the future)
for 2020 I planned :
*Spends vs food budget (again - but this got crossed out because of the issue I had with covid and supermarket shopping)
*Ethical and frugal clothes shopping
*Maintain capsule wardrobe, donate & sell
There were also notes where I had tallied bags of donations to local charity shops.
December 2018 into all of 2019 we donated 43 bags including two tower drawer sets,
and in 2020 we donated 14 bags, considerably less but the previous years clean out had been substantial.
2020: With the Covid-19 restrictions in the UK, I was happy to stay home and spend less money which we invested into decorating the hallway and landing. I scrapped the shopping challenge as in some cases I did much larger shops rather than frequent smaller ones, trying to stay as safe as I could for both myself and everyone else by not lingering in supermarkets for longer than really required.
It was also the year we spent the least amount of money on clothing, as we used everything we had in rotation, apart from the children, who had a growth spurt and needed almost complete new wardrobes.
You could say that the clothes that they own now are almost a capsule wardrobe like mine now, but they have had more choice over the items they do wear as they selected them via online shopping instead.
Over the next few days I will be updating my book and adding the 2021 challenges here for you to see with a little more context and explanation.
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